
When Someone You Love is Kinky

Yesterday I finished reading this book - "When Someone You Love is Kinky", by Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt. I'll do a full proper review of it next week, but the thing I'll call out from it today is that every chapter has a letter in it - a letter written by someone the authors know, published semi-anonymously, but written as "The letter I will never send". Some are to spouses, some are to parents, some are to friends or coworkers or bosses... Most of them, though are very powerful. It's a fascinating way to make you think.

Were I to write one? I'd write it to my parents. I'd say "My family", but I'm pretty sure my sister already knows, and everyone else (everyone living, at least) is in a different country.  All the things I wish they knew - but hedged by the fact that I'm terrified of their knowing. Fear of being rejected for who I really am, rather than loved for the partial impression they have now.

I won't copy one into this post, no matter how much I want to. I'll just say, I feel like this book is worth it just for these... Though these are the part of the book most easily replaced by something else - like Fetlife.

Anyway. Real review next week... And for now, have a good weekend.

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